How To Stop Being a People Pleaser or Compulsive Do-Gooder!

I struggled with this to some degree for a lot of my life....wanting or really needing to be liked (and seen as a good person) by people in order to feel ok, prioritizing other people over myself, avoiding conflict like the plague, and appeasing people when they got upset with me. It was DRAINING to say the least, and when I just didn't have the energy anymore (due to health issues), I knew I had to change this pattern!  Behavioral changes helped a bit, but the real shift came when I rewired the roots of the pattern in myself.

For my business partner, Patti, this was her primary dysregulating pattern that led her into chronic pain and made it hard to get out.  You see, even when she developed chronic pain, she still tried to do it all and be it all for the other people in her life, but the pain was her body's way of saying NO MORE!  As she rewired this patterning and stopped depleting herself for others, the pain gradually went away!

So watch this two-part series if you know this patterning is stressing you out and depleting you!  It will guide you through the first steps of change.


Conquering the Fear of Change with Neural Retraining


What To Do When Triggered in Relationships