Now Offering Naturopathic Consulting

Neural Retraining is truly amazing and sometimes all you need to heal...

like my client with POTs, trauma, anxiety, self-worth issues, and body image issues who healed with 3 neural retraining sessions with me.

or my client with anxiety, panic attacks, depression, insomnia, and migraines so severe that she couldn't work for 6 months before finding me.  Within a month of working with me, she was feeling great and back to work. 

Or my client with multiple chemical sensitivities and complex PTSD who recovered from both working with me, despite trying many other approaches beforehand including other neural retraining approaches. 

All of this healing occurred without supplements, medications, or other treatments!  I could go on and on, but click here to check out my testimonials!

But that's not the case for everyone. Some things neural retraining cannot heal toxic burdens, nutrient deficiencies, certain kinds of infections, or injuries.

I'm getting back into helping with the physical aspects of health because I continue to have clients who are not finding the answers they need to heal completely or are even getting incorrect, damaging advice. 

I learned the hard way what works and what does not work to get people well through my own long healing journey and helping hundreds of others with complex chronic illness to do the same.  Because of my own healing journey I have personally tested a huge number of healing approaches, and the majority are more hype than healing.

To truly heal from chronic illness, no bandaid will work! You've got to address the actual root cause of the illness head on in a way that resolves it.  Those root causes fall into two categories, and most people with chronic illness are struggling with both:

  1. Not enough of what the body needs to function optimally

  2. Too much of something that impairs normal bodily function - a stressor - which can just as easily be physical as psychological, and usually a mix of both are present.

What I have spent my entire career getting good at is knowing these root causes well and how to resolve them as efficiently as possible so people can get back to living their lives to the fullest! 

So if you're struggling to find the right path to take to true healing, your doctors are stumped, or nothing you're trying is working, consider having a naturopathic consult with me for some expert direction & empowerment through knowledge. 

You can learn more about my approach to healing and book a call here

First, let me tell you what I can offer in those consults. Because I now have my hands in so many pots with my private neural retraining practice and running the Wired for Wellness Program, I do not act as anyone’s doctor anymore, which means that I technically cannot diagnose or prescribe treatment.

What I can offer you is guidance on what physical stressors are likely underlying your symptoms, what tests to ask for or order for yourself, what those results mean, what kinds of treatments tend to work best for the symptoms or conditions you have, and things to discuss with your doctor.

Depending on where you are located, I may be able to recommend practitioners to work with if you’re not getting all of what you need from your current doc.

If that sounds good to you, click here to schedule your consult with me. If you are not sure if I can help you with your particular condition, checkout my areas of expertise here, or feel free to start with a free discovery call. I won’t give guidance on that call, but I can let you know if your issue is within my wheelhouse.


Healing from Being Overly Empathic/Highly Sensitive


My Favorite Daily Health Habit