How to Make a New Year’s Resolution Come True


What would you like to create in 2022?

Every year, many of us press the reset button at the beginning of a new year, and reassess our goals. For many of us, a lot of goals have been on hold during 2020 and 2021, but 2022 may provide a lot of new opportunities! I, for one, am excited about 2022!

I love to envision what I am going to do, be, and manifest in the months and year ahead! Not only is it a lot of fun, but it's a powerful exercise that prepares your brain for it to become a reality. As you do the visualization, filling it with what you're going to see, hear, and feel when that dream comes true, your brain thinks you're already there to a large extent! That's why you start to really feel the corresponding emotions you would have in that experience as if it were happening in real-time. With repetition, you are actually building a neural network in the brain for this experience to feel like your reality. Not only is this super motivating, but it also prepares you to be able to accept the new car, dream job, or romantic relationship when it does show up! You prepare your brain to feel deserving of it, and like it's just "normal" to have it!

Not envisioning what you truly want to create often leads to problem-solving instead of creating, applying your efforts towards things you don't really want, and sabotaging things that you want when you get them.

I used to do a LOT of all of these things because I was never honest with myself about what I wanted. I only considered what was acceptable to my parents, my peers, or society. I also often took what seemed to be the easiest path, too scared to consider other options. Of course, this led me in a lot of directions that were unsatisfying, inauthentic to myself, and sometimes even self-destructive. One day, I woke up, and realized that my actions were not in alignment with what I actually wanted!

The difference between creating and problem-solving is HUGE, and one that very few people ever consider. Most of the time, we humans go through life just reacting to the circumstances in front of us, especially to anything we perceive as a problem in our lives. As an example, if we feel depressed, we look for something or someone to "fix" the depression as opposed to creating what we would rather have instead, which might be joy, inspiration, connection, adventure, etc. If you're just searching for a way to "fix" depression, you might see a therapist or try supplements or medications that could alleviate the depression. The end result, if you succeed, is likely to be the absence of depression, but not what you really wanted instead. If your goal from the start was to create more joy and connection in your life, then you would probably take very different actions, such as joining some meetup groups to meet new people, scheduling more time with your existing friends and loved ones, doing more of the things that bring you a feeling of joy in life such as dancing, painting, running, or whatever you love!

Do you see how these two goals (problem-solving vs. creating) lead to two very different sets of actions and two very different outcomes? As you can see, starting with a clear vision of what you TRULY want makes it much more likely that you will actually get it.

What else does it take to create what you truly want? It involves removing the resistance within you to taking the action required to get there as well as any resistance to having what you truly want. Resistance seems like such an amorphous thing. We know it's there because it comes up as thoughts, emotions, and sensations in our body when we think about our goal. As an example, maybe every time you think about applying for that dream job, a thought crosses your mind, "They won't hire me. I'm not experienced enough" and you get a sensation like a pit in your stomach. When that happens, it deters you from applying. It FEELS as if it's true, so you listen to it and don't apply for that job.

Where does that resistance feeling come from? It comes from your past experiences and the subconscious belief systems created by those experiences. If you were raised to believe that you could do anything that you wanted for a career, that you were smart enough, capable enough, and would get all the resources you needed to achieve it, then you'd be less likely to encounter this resistance when thinking of applying for your dream job. If your parents, teachers, friends, or society gave you subtle or not-so-subtle messages that your options were limited, that you weren't smart enough or capable enough, that you'd never have enough money to succeed, or that "dreams are for fools." then you will probably feel some amount of resistance when thinking about what you really want to do for work. This makes sense, right?

So how can you effectively remove the inner resistance to what you really want? By addressing the roots of it. With neuroplasticity techniques, we can change the original memories and belief systems that are keeping you stuck, afraid, or self-sabotaging. When that inner voice of doubt goes quiet, it becomes so much easier to take the next step, and then the next step, and to actually make it happen!

So, coming back around to my original question. What would you like to create in 2022? If you find yourself listing off all of the things you want to "fix" about your life or all the things you DO NOT want in your life, cross those out and start again. Imagine you are starting with a blank slate. Whatever perceived limitations or problems you think you have, imagine for a moment that they don't exist. If that were true, what would you want to create SIMPLY BECAUSE YOU WOULD LOVE IT? Use your imagination to envision it with as much detail from all of the senses that you can. How do you FEEL emotionally as you live this new reality? Notice any resistance that comes up as you imagine having what you want!!

Now come back to notice what is different about the present reality. From a place of love and kindness, be very honest with yourself about the present circumstances because a clear view of that will help you know what your next step should be. From this place, you can start to outline what steps YOU WANT to take to get what YOU REALLY WANT. Notice if any resistance comes up as you think about taking these next steps.

If resistance does come up with either one of these steps, now you know what one of your next steps is: to rewire the resistance coming from your subconscious.

Unfortunately, the subconscious is MUCH more powerful than the conscious mind and can sabotage all of our best attempts at getting what we want in life. It's especially likely to do that when what we want feels threatening or dangerous in some way. As an example, if your parents fought bitterly throughout your childhood and you knew that their marriage made them tremendously unhappy, then when you grow up, you may consciously want to get married, but your subconscious is likely to think that marriage is dangerous and do everything it can to prevent you from tying the knot!

So think of your conscious mind as an ant that's walking North towards what you want. When you zoom out you'll see that the ant is actually walking on an elephant (the subconscious) who is walking south (away from what you want). In order to really get and keep what you truly want, you've got to get your subconscious aligned with what you consciously want! Neuroplasticity can help you do this.

If you're ready to rewire the resistance you have toward going for or having your dreams, get in touch!
I'd love to help!

With each client, I start by empowering you with the techniques you can use to self-regulate and rewire programmed responses in your everyday life. That way, whenever you encounter resistance within yourself, you have tools to help yourself dissipate it and keep going!

After that, we use Eutaptics sessions to dive into the emotional roots of your resistance, and rewire them in your brain, leaving you with the freedom to go for your dreams in 2022 and beyond!

New Year's Resolution Special:

Get $250 off a package of 1 Educational Session* + 3 Eutaptics Sessions tailored towards working on resistance to achieving your New Year's Resolution!

To Book This Deal:

Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY CALL HERE by January 31st.
Offer expires January 31st, but sessions can be
booked anytime within the next 3 months.
*If you have already had an educational session with me,
you can donate it to a friend!


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